Heal your Mind, Body and Soul
Based in Preston, Express Life provides a range of complementary therapies and techniques, offering a different approach to mainstream medicine.
Sooth your soul and increase you inner wellbeing with a range of therapies, including Reiki, Coaching along with the practise of Metamorphic Technique ®.
Are you new to Reiki and would like to know more? Starting Friday 8th April I will be offering a weekly online Introduction to Reiki experiential workshop - 5-7pm on Zoom (excludes 22/4 as I am on holiday). Open to all
For those of you of Level one and above in any discipline of Reiki, I am running an online Reiki share on the fourth Friday of every month starting May 2022
would like another session
and by donation for existing clients
In person or online sessions of 30-60 minutes
Ive have studied Usui, Seichem, Egyptian (Rayed Sekh Em) Karuna, Angelic, Atlantean and Golden Reiki, starting in 1999.
To register go to contact us and send a message
Monthly Heart Intelligence Circle - Date to be arranged. Likely a Saturday evening, but feel free to let me know your preferences
During a Heart Circle, facilitated online training people can practice meaningful, heartfelt and authentic connection with themselves and others.
We open with a tune in along with concentration on breathing and a pop up style check in whereby you share what’s moving for you - mentally emotionally physical and spiritual if you wish and what you want from the group
We then do a tracking exercise to get clear on what we want on all levels
We will also do a living the vision exercise
To register go to contact us and send a message