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Christine Corr - Angelic Reiki

Christine and Kevin Corr first taught Angelic Reiki in Egypt in February 2006. They have been initiated into Reiki Mastership in both the Usui and Shamballa lineages. The power of these two lineages, which is the combined healing power of all the Masters of each of these lineages, is now combined with the Angelic Vibration through Archangel Metatron and her own spiritual lineage to create Angelic Reiki.


1987  The Harmonic Convergence triggers both Kevin and I onto a new life path causing major changes in our lives. We had not met at this time, but it was these changes that ultimately led to our life-paths converging and the birth of Angelic Reiki.

1987 to 1991  I take a four year professional training course in Homeopathy.

1991 to 1992  I open a multi-disciplinary healing centre for Alternative Medicine from which I run my full-time Homeopathic practice.

1992 to 1998  I receive attunements to Usui Reiki and Masters in Shamballa Reiki, take 3 courses in the Merkabah (2 in the US), take a 2 year post graduate course in Homeopathy, study Neo Reiki in India and other personal training.

1994 to 1998  I teach weekend workshops in Shamballa Reiki.

1996  Kevin and I meet through a masseur at the clinic who asks Kevin to help with the new computer, and I invite him to join my centre part-time as a healer. I start teaching the Merkabah and Kevin attends one of my classes.

1996 to 2002  We work together with Merkabah philosophy and hold a study group in Stratford-upon-Avon. We start a meditation group in the local community plus a weekly lecture group. We are also on the speakers list for groups throughout Yorkshire in Northern England. Kevin and I exchange healings, and he attends group meetings at my home. I take a journey to Tibet.

2002 to 2003  I go on a trip takes me around the world visiting many eastern countries. Kevin continues the groups that we had started and continues to do research. Based on his extensive reading of different philosophies: Hindu, Buddhist, modern western, Blavatsky and Alice Bailey and Western magical traditions, Kevin collects information and material. Putting this information together, he presents a weekend workshop to our meditation group. The feedback is very positive. Subsequent groups ask Kevin to write down the healing methods and other bits of information to create manuals to be given out at the workshops. These were the first manuals. They did not record any of the background philosophy behind the definition of angels, angelic collectives, our healing practice, nor the dowsing and use of Jan de Vries flower essences, all of which were part of the workshop. The groups also ask for certificates. Next there is a request to be taught how to teach this new ‘Angelic Reiki’. Kevin creates a manual for a teacher workshop. The teacher’s manual includes a description of the healing methods, the script for opening the space and attunements. There is no information written down as to how to teach the workshop, nor the philosophy on which it is based.

2003  The Universe contrives for Kevin to be invited to teach a 1st and 2nd Degree workshop in Malaysia at exactly the same time as my world trip takes me through the very same place. It is here that our friendship becomes a relationship. After Malaysia, I go to Japan to teach Shamballa Reiki and then come back to the UK.

On my return from my travels I hold the space with Kevin for the first Angelic Reiki Masters workshop, November 2003. Many of the group I already know from the meditation group we had set up in the 1990’s.

2004  Kevin and I co-teach Angelic Reiki.

Early in 2004 the need for more information in the manuals becomes very apparent, and to fill this gap we decide to write a book on Angelic Reiki. It is intended for this book to be part of the workshop’s student and teacher material. We are asked in an early workshop if the 1st and 2nd Degree workshop allows someone to professionally practice Angelic Reiki. Kevin gives the answer as ‘yes’. Energetically this is true. Information about pricing and charging is introduced verbally. The 1st and 2nd Degree manuals are not written with professional practice in mind, and there is no support material in the teacher’s manual.

Kevin and I made it clear right from the start that the spiritual philosophy of Angelic Reiki is based on what we termed ‘The Ancient Wisdom’ which, in a number of fundamental ways, is quite different from New Age Spiritual philosophy and traditional Reiki. The understanding of the spiritual philosophy and principles and practice of healing for Angelic Reiki is constantly deepening. It is the ‘Healing for Our Time’, as Archangel Metatron stated, and as such, is constantly developing in line with the present changes.

2005  Kevin and I start teaching Angelic Reiki over 7 days rather than over 2 weekends. The 5 days of the original 2 weekend workshops is not enough time in which to teach everything. We have now taught Angelic Reiki in Malaysia, Singapore, Greece and the United States.

Rena Guttridge, who created the Healer Foundation, comes to visit us during a workshop in Shipley, UK and accepts Angelic Reiki as a modality that she is willing to embrace within the Healer Foundation. This is affiliated to the BCMA in the UK.

Kevin and I relocate to Luxor Egypt.

We run an Angelic Reiki update workshop at which we announce that we are going to live in Egypt. A small group is formed to look after Angelic Reiki in the UK.

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