Check out our new therapy called the Power of the Imagination

Coming soon

Art of Feminine Presence

5 hours

The Art of Feminine Presence allows a woman to develop a physical and energetic presence that attracts the attention they want: personally and professionally. The Feminine Essence is the most attractive force women have within.

In a one day workshop you will:

  • Learn a powerful moving meditation that enables you to access profound states of peace and joy
  • Experience more passion in your life – particularly in your love life.
  • Learn to follow your bodies innate wisdom and inner guidance
  • Learn how to feel more confident, look more healthy, and radiant when you walk into a room.
  • Tap into an endless source of creative power.

The practices includes:

  • Body awareness practices that help women be more ‘at home’ in their bodies – no matter what is happening around them.
  • Deep inquiry about how we relate to our femininity, sensuality and sexuality.
  • Energetic practices that spark an instant expansion of a woman’s personal presence and radiance.
  • Physical movements that help you cultivate feminine energy

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